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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Who Will it be Now?

The next 9 weeks depend, to a great extent, on the Drill Sergeants that we get. As I mentioned before, there are at least two broad categories: Highly trained professionals who use their position of authority to teach and train, and that minority who seek the power to gratify their own ego. I have been assigned my three Drill Sergeants, and have discovered a new kind. Two of them are of the highly professional type. The third I will call Drill Sergeant "Annoyed" (because he seems always to be in that state). His heart definitely seems to be in the right place. However, the only teaching "method" he has at his disposal is to always act annoyed if anything is not as it should be. The recruits learn how to avoid upsetting him, but never aspire to go above and beyond to impress him as they do with the other two DS's. As for the other two, one I will call DS "And Stuff". He's originally from Jamaica and ends every other sentence with "and stuff" whether or not that word choice makes sense. For example: "Okay, don't piss me off and stuff", or "Line up for chow and stuff". He's a great guy. He'll "smoke" you in an instant if you mess up, but he's also incredibly loyal to his soldiers, and goes out of his way to help them out. The other Drill Sergeant I will refer to as DS "Not Loud". She does not like to talk loud like some other DS's, but expects to be listened to. Like DS "And Stuff", she inspires loyalty in her soldiers.


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