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The dates in the posts are when things actually happened. Since I had no Internet in Basic, I'm entering my blog now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


It's bad enough to get up at 5am to do PT. What makes it much worse here is the presence of millions of fire ants all over the base. When we hit the PT field at 0' dark thirty, the only illumination comes from the distant street lights, and whatever light the moon gives off. Not nearly enough to see if there are ants around, or (much) wore, an ant hill. When you get bit, it stings intensely for a few seconds, then itches for a few minutes to an hour after that. The next day, a little sore forms that looks just like acne. My first personal encounter with fire ants occurred this morning - when I realized that I must have been standing on an ant hill. My left leg began to hurt. Running both hands over it, I felt many tiny bodies crush. Once the sun came up that morning, I counted over 50 tiny bites. I still look forward to PT each morning, but step carefully and hope to avoid another encounter


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