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The dates in the posts are when things actually happened. Since I had no Internet in Basic, I'm entering my blog now.

Monday, October 10, 2005

PG Again

Today, I became PG (Platoon Guide) again. The previous PG, Private Watts, was doing the job well. DS Annoyed has been drifting between platoons the last week or so as the company struggles to figure out how to best assign personnel, and he was watching over us today. There was some miscommunication, and DS Annoyed ended up yelling at a group of people who were just doing what they had been told to do. Rather than apologize for his mistake, or even just let it go, he decided to fire the PG and put me in his place. It was an unwarranted move, but I have the job again nonetheless. I did discuss the incident with the Platoon’s Senior Drill Sergeant, with whom I have an excellent rapport, and we quietly agreed that I could choose my successor when I ship out early to AIT, and that I will choose Watts. He is an excellent leader, and deserves to lead the Platoon across the parade field at graduation. Now that I have the job, I will do it to the best of my abilities.


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