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The dates in the posts are when things actually happened. Since I had no Internet in Basic, I'm entering my blog now.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Jedi Warrior

During Reception Battalion at Basic Training, you are issued "dog tags". The politically correct term these days is "ID tags", though most NCO's slip up and use the traditional term. Your dog tags include important information: Your name, social security number, blood type, and religious preference.

Today in formation, one Drill Sergeant told us an interesting story:

"Recruits, all of you have your religious preference on your dog tag. Me, my dog tag says 'Jedi' because I want to look down from above and watch that poor priest trying to figure out what the heck to do with me. He'll have to call up Skywalker Ranch for advice. He will have one heck of a time trying to figure out where to get a dozen Ewoks to dance around my funeral pyre!"

Interesting trivia: This Drill Sergeant's legs appear in the Jim Carrey film Dumb & Dumber. In the scene with the ski lift in the back, his legs are the bright green ones.


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Intoxicated Ant said...

"Jedi" HAHAHAHAHA! Oh that is the funniest thing i have EVER heard, in fact you have inspired me, in 4 months i leave for Basic training with the Australian Army, but this has inspired me too put down "Jedi" for my religious preference as well! Thank you, Thank you so much!!! LOL

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Eric J. said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as we did. Picture this - we were all in formation, standing at ease*, and one of our Drill Sergeants was up front talking about Ewoks and funeral pyres. It was soooo funny but we didn't dare laugh (at that point, anyway ... things got more relaxed further into training).

* For you non-military types - "at ease" is a very slightly relaxed version of standing at attention. It's not at all relaxed in spite of the name.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Eric J. said...

PS - Let me know how things go for you in the Australian Army. It would be interesting to compare stories.

Be sure and pass my blog along to anyone down under who might be interested.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Intoxicated Ant said...

It's still making me laugh thinking about it. And be sure i'll let you know how my training goes and i'll be sure to show everyone your blog to, keep up the good work!


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