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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Eat Led Succa!

Today we went out to a somewhat different range. The targets popped up at distances we hadn't practiced yet. I hit enough targets in the first go, so I didn't get to fire again. The ones who have trouble get to fire multiple times. The focus is on gettting everyone through, rather than on equal training time.

In Vietnam, the weapon of choice was the M16A1. It was full automatic. Pull the trigger once, and bullets keep coming out until you release the trigger, or the magazine runs out. Turns out, it's very hard to keep units supplied, if they fire like that (especially when they're on the move), and most bullets didn't hit their target. For that reason, the M16AZ was introduced. It can fire a single shot, or a 3 round burst. That strategy has proven very effective.

Given that, a lot of heads turned when one of the trainees pulled the trigger, and emptied the magazine into his target. Somehow, something inside the weapon broke just right to make it full automatic. Must have been fun!


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