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The dates in the posts are when things actually happened. Since I had no Internet in Basic, I'm entering my blog now.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Tap Out or Pass Out

Every so often, so the theory goes, you run out of bullets for your M-16 and your bayonette is in the shop. When that happens, you must engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. The Army selected modified Jujitsu to teach its soldiers. Where it may take a civilian years to become skilled in Martial Arts, the Army figures a good, full day of mass instruction should suffice for its high-speed warriors. So, we spent the day learning how to pin eachother and how to break pins. The DS's tried to make it seem like a big deal in the days leading up to today by sporting a knowing grin and telling us "you either tap out or pass out". In reality, when we got paired up, most battle buddies asked eachother "we ain't gonna hurt eachother, right?" At the end of the day we learned a little something useful about pinning opponents, but if Bin Laden ever jumps me, I'm still going to punch him in the nose.


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